021-4875410 adancey@afs.ie Level 2 Building 1000, Mahon, Cork, T12 W7CV

Financial Advisor

A bespoke service experience brought to you by qualified professionals

Assured Financial Solutions Ltd. is here to help you plan your future with confidence. All that matters to us is that you are provided with the right advise, at the right time.

Life Cover

Life Cover is not for you it is those left behind should you die. To possibly Pay Off a mortgage, Overdraft or clear a Credit card, Pay for Children’s education, Protect your Family’s standard of living so life without you continues with no financial worries, Keep the revenue at bay a help pay Inheritance Taxes, or to Protect your business should you die unexpectedly? It is about you providing for those you Love most.

All it takes is putting the Right Plan in place based on the Right Advice.

Specified Illness Cover is for you. It is puts money in your pocket should you become seriously ill and survive one of the 40+ listed illnesses. It is like a reward for living. The money can be used for any purpose and is not dependent on being unable to work.
It can be used to maybe pay for a well-earned holiday to help recuperate, allow you take some time off work, buy a car, renovate a home, buy a holiday home, pay off a mortgage or overdraft, or even move home and upgrade. It is about you deciding what the money is for.

All it takes is a Specified Illness Plan along with The Right Advice.

Specified Illness Cover

Income Protection

What happens if you cannot work long term due to an Illness, having an accident of becoming disabled? Where will your income come from? Will your employer or your business continue to pay your income every month? Income Protection provides you with a monthly income to replace your lost income. This income is paid to you until you die, recover and go back to work or reach retirement age whichever comes first. This income can be used to as other income to pay the mortgage, pay the household bills, go on holidays, educate children, feed yourself and your family and run your car. It is an income for you when no one else is paying you an income.

All it takes is an Income Protection Plan combined with The Right Advice

The current Government Sponsored Old Age pension stands at €248.30 per week and will not be available to most of us until age 66 at the earliest. What does retirement look like to you?

What you would like to be doing? Regular Holidays, weekends away, being able to eat out, go visit children and grandchildren if they are abroad, having money in your pocket etc.

What is important to you? Make a list. Will €248.30 per week cover it? Retirement /Pension planning is about putting some money away, tax efficiently today, to have in the future so you can have The Retirement you deserve. To be able to do the things on your Bucket List.

All it takes is a Retirement Plan put together with The Right Advice.

Retirement/Pension Planning

Partnership/Share Purchase Protection

You are running a business with your partner/ partners. One of them dies. What happens next? Your deceased partners spouse or family are now your partners. How do you feel? What does He/She know about the business? How will your suppliers and banks react? Panic sets in… Reaction… Buy them Out… Do I have the money… Who will lend it to me… Can I afford repayments?

Solution: Partnership/Share Purchase Protect. Puts money in your hands that must be used to buy out your deceased partner’s family and the family must sell you the shares.

Result: The business continues without interruption and the deceased partner’s family receive the value of the shareholding tax efficiently and no borrowings incurred. Money in the right hands, in the right place at the right time.

All it takes is Life Policy and the Right Advice.

Have you thought about career advancement through further education and how will you pay for it? How will you fund your children’s 3rd Level Education in the future? An Education Plan is simply a Savings Plan where you save money now to help pay for future expenses.

Money in your hands when it is wanted and deliver as a result of the Right Advice.

Education Funding

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